Monday, September 30, 2019

Perception of Women in the Renaissance

Perception of Women in the Renaissance Perception is the point of view a person or groups of people have towards a specific idea or thought. Throughout the Renaissance, many discoveries, improvements, and realizations were made in art and literature. However, these changes did not impact the image of a woman in the Renaissance. Such as the four most important Renaissance artists depictions of women. Those artists were Leonardo, Donated, Raphael, and Michelangelo (yes these are also the popular cartoon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, no they are not prevalent in any way shape or form other than name).In literature, poets such as Christopher Marlowe, Machiavelli, and mainly William Shakespeare discuss holy or spiritual and have mixed opinions of women (Elegance). Advancements made in that timestamp set the stage for the world in future eras to come. In addition this poses an important yet also controversial perception of the Renaissance; this perception is how successful was the Renaissa nce for women? In the Renaissance, artists' opinions had mixed results but changed frequently.Some drew and sculpted women nude to show a sense of hubris whereas others portrayed them as overweight to show shame but at the same time it could also stand for artillery because producing a child was very important at the time. Another statement made was when the political systems of Europe changed from the medieval feudal systems to a more modern-day government system, women of every social class saw a change in their social and political options that men did not.Celibacy did become the female norm and â€Å"the relations of the sexes were restructured to one of female dependency and male Package 2 domination† (Kelly 20). Women lived a more insubordinate or inferior lifestyle. Men ruled over everything, even through half a century of Queens. This perceives that omen were inferior and did achieve in the Renaissance, Just not as much as men. The Renaissance presented people with ri ch literature that paved the literary cobblestones into the environmentally sound asphalt streets used today.In literature at the time, women were viewed as the inferior gender and had roles in civilization such as; housekeeping, caring for the youth as well as sexual pleasures to men. Women's roles were limited in Renaissance life to a point where they were excluded from a leading role in public life (Women). They were not permitted to act in any of Shakespearean plays. In the event a woman character needed to be filled, a man would suffice as women were â€Å"incapable. † Famed and revered playwright William Shakespeare was noted for the writing of Macbeth, a seventeenth century play dedicated to King James.In this play , Shakespeare writes of Macbeth and his Jewell- Hyde like transformation from noble thane to bloody murderer. While the plot revolves around Macbeth and his notorious actions throughout; the attention is turned numerous times to his wife, Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is depicted by Shakespeare as an honest, good woman, but as the story moves forward she is rover to be the exact opposite of the stereotypical woman in the Renaissance era. She is well educated, serves a purpose in the household other than basic housekeeping and can openly critique her spouse.While in virtually all other homes that would be condoned as an extreme display of disrespect. Lady Macbeth is different from the average Renaissance woman in the sense that she is nobility. Shakespearean perception of Lady Macbeth creates a loophole in the statement that royalty can rise Package 3 above the commoners. However, an entire nation cannot be considered royalty or the title has no meaning. Therefore, the perception that the majority of women had a substantially less successful Renaissance then their male counterparts stands accurate.Explained in the poetry of the Renaissance, poets such as Christopher Marlowe and Sir Walter Raleigh talk of the full lives they have ahead of t hem. Within the text, they mention the women they desire and to an extent they assume the women will willingly accept their hand and be happy. While the men are surprised in each incident at the responses they receive, it indicates their opinions towards women in the era, which is that they are superior and that women should Just do as hey wish and say no more.While the tone might seem positive, the peripheral message being sent was that men were superior and it supplements to the fact that women were not as successful or benefiting from the Renaissance. In conclusion, the artistic expression and political challenges show the opinions of women in the period. The literature explains that men were superior and that women were not as able as men were. Women were looked at as second-class citizens through the eyes of poets and playwrights in the era. With the exception of nobility which was a very mall portion of the female population.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Job hunting after graduation Essay

If you’ve left university and don’t yet have a job, here are tips on creating an action plan for finding work. It’s widely acknowledged that it’s harder than it used to be to land your first graduate job, and more people now find they are graduating without a job to go to straight away. If you are one of them, don’t panic. Take the opportunity for a short rest, then focus on what you can do to make things happen. 1. Keep looking The good news for graduate job hunters is that employers are now recruiting all year round. Traditionally, most graduate jobs were advertised in the autumn ‘milkround’, with many students having a job offer before they sat their finals. These days, graduate employers are more likely to advertise on an ad hoc basis, as jobs become available or as they get additional budget for recruitment. So don’t stop looking. The gradireland Summer Fair that takes place each June in Dublin is a chance to meet employers who did not fill all their jobs in the autumn or who have new vacancies. Use the same vacancy sources as when you were at university:, your careers service website etc. But don’t just rely on these: spread your net as far as possible. 2. Network Tell everyone you know that you are job hunting; be open to any suggestions. Start with family and friends, then build new relationships through them. The more contacts you make, the more likely you are to find out about opportunities and meet people who can help you. The majority of job vacancies are not advertised, so word of mouth can be very valuable. It can also be worth making speculative applications. These work best when they are targeted to an organisation that you have researched and know you want to work for: a few carefully-written applications are more  effective than hundreds of standard letters. Work experience or voluntary work can also widen your pool of contacts and provide a foot in the door of the industry you’d like to work in. Don’t spend all summer on Facebook. Use a range of social media to make new contacts and find out about new opportunities. Follow employers on LinkedIn, search Twitter for news of the industry you’re interested in, use everything to ‘meet’ new people. Start a blog: done well, it could be a good addition to your CV by highlighting your expertise, creativity or networking skills. 3. Apply for internships There are several internship programmes now available, many aimed specifically at graduates. These tend to vary from three months to a year. Some offer payment on top of your benefits while others carry accreditation; some even give an opportunity to work abroad for a while. Some of the main schemes currently available are:2. Network Tell everyone you know that you are job hunting; be open to any suggestions. Start with family and friends, then build new relationships through them. The more contacts you make, the more likely you are to find out about opportunities and meet people who can help you. The majority of job vacancies are not advertised, so word of mouth can be very valuable. It can also be worth making speculative applications. These work best when they are targeted to an organisation that you have researched and know you want to work for: a few carefully-written applications are more effective than hundreds of standard letters. Work experience or voluntary work can also widen your pool of contacts and provide a foot in the door of the industry you’d like to work in. Don’t spend all summer on Facebook. Use a range of social media to make new  contacts and find out about new opportunities. Follow employers on LinkedIn, search Twitter for news of the industry you’re interested in, use everything to ‘meet’ new people. Start a blog: done well, it could be a good addition to your CV by highlighting your expertise, creativity or networking skills. 3. Apply for internships There are several internship programmes now available, many aimed specifically at graduates. These tend to vary from three months to a year. Some offer payment on top of your benefits while others carry accreditation; some even give an opportunity to work abroad for a while. Some of the main schemes currently available are: Ireland JobBridge FAS Work Placement Programme IBEC Export Orientation Programme Graduates for International Growth (G4IG) Northern Ireland Graduate Acceleration Programme Applying for internships via an official programme gives you a degree of security. You may, of course, also find an internship by applying directly to the employer. It’s advisable to be aware of your employment rights and the Congress website is a useful source of information. Internships are not just a stop-gap on the way to a permanent job: as a ‘taster’ of a particular sector they can also help you to choose which career you ultimately would like to pursue. Whatever you do, you will gain new skills and experience to add to your CV. 4. Improve your employability Remember that you can still get help from university careers services after you graduate – either at your own university or, if you’ve moved back home, another higher education institution. Make an appointment if you need advice  on how to develop and market your skills or to improve your CV. Despite the downturn, there are still areas where there are skills shortages and unfilled vacancies. If you have the aptitude, consider upskilling, perhaps through a conversion course in IT, or by learning a language. ‘Lifelong learning’ is now considered essential even for those already in work, so if you have spare time use it to read and learn about the area of work you want to get into. Work on your employability skills: writing, administration, team-working, communication etc. You’ll be in a strong position if your job applications can demonstrate these qualities. Consider voluntary work as a way of adding to your portfolio of experience and learning new skills. There are opportunities for short and long-term involvement, whether it’s helping out at a local organisation or working for a national charity. 5. Be open to opportunities Realistically, it may not be immediately possible to get a graduate-level job. If something else is available – even if it is a casual or temporary job – try to use it as a stepping stone. A job in admin or customer support could lead to a more senior position in the same company later. It will let you prove that you have workplace experience and a good work ethic, and can give you transferable skills to add to future job applications. Don’t overlook small businesses. There are a lot of them, so add up to a major force as employers. They may not advertise specific ‘graduate’ vacancies but can be a good environment if you’re at the beginning of your career as there is often more flexibility to learn new skills. 6. Don’t give up Taking a year out or signing up for postgraduate study may be tempting as a way to postpone looking for work. They are worth considering if you are sure that you can demonstrate afterwards the benefits to employers. Otherwise, think carefully about whether this will help in the long term. It’s not necessarily the easy route, but the best course of action may be to stay put, stay positive and stay persistent. If things aren’t going well, review your progress and ask for help and support if you need it.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Study On A Structural Necessity Architecture Essay

Within the societal scientific disciplines the term construction besides seems have different options. At possibly the most cardinal degree, within the field, the societal scientific disciplines themselves are broken into separate subjects in an attempt to decently analyze, analyse, and categorise different types of information, therefore supplying a sense of order or construction. Yet even these divisions are inconsistent across the field. At one institute sociology and anthropology may be joined in a individual plan of survey yet at others they are wholly separate and possibly assorted with another, such as linguistics. Beyond specifying itself the societal scientific disciplines have a singular ability for classifying, reclassifying, and re-reclassifying things ( including but barely limited to race, civilization, historical periods, theoretical models, methodological analysiss, and gender ) on a regular footing. In 1978, Edward Said, in his book Orientalism, identified a really controversial division between Europe and the Orient. Since so there have been important arguments on the ground for such a division, and even if such a division genuinely existed. Janet Abu-Lughod, in 1989 wrote â€Å" Analyzing a System in Formation † , in which she agreed that there is a recognizable division between the Europe and the remainder of the universe. Indeed she suggests that there is a incorporate universe construction and it is based on a Eurocentric theoretical account which developed around the 14th century. Within societal scientific disciplines this of course raises the inquiry, is the strong accent we give to construction an unconscious affect of the Eurocentric beginning of our theoretical account? Or is construction a more permeant thought? This essay contends that while a big part of the authorship in societal scientific discipline literature is Eurocentric in beginning, the construction, and more specifically the thought of construction is non limited to European idea. Levi-Strauss ‘ thoughts of infrastructure offers a strong statement that construction, as Abu-Lughod describes it, is simply the superstructure representation of an implicit in infrastructure common throughout all human civilizations. Then before turn toing the signifier of construction in the superstructure of our modern universe system, we must inquire whether determine whether construction is needed, or instead can we gestate of a universe, or societal scientific disciplines, without construction? Finally, manners of communicating will be used to demo how construction is exhaustively embedded in our universe even when it is non perceived. InAnalyzing a System in Formation, Janet Abu-Lughod really indicates her beliefs that the current construction of societal scientific disciplines is dominated by its European beginnings. Indeed while citing others, she gives provinces that the current universe system is wholly Eurocentric. For illustration, she recognizes Immanuel Wallerstein for coining the term â€Å" modern world-system † and that Europe lead development of this system, which has lasted more than 500 old ages. ( Abu-Lughod, 4 ) She supports this contention with the plants of Fernand Braudel and Eric Wolff who describe how a euro-centered universe was established in the 14th century and was the footing for the current universe system. ( Abu-Lughod, 9 ) Indeed, she accuses Braudel of doing an â€Å" unconscious Eurocentric faux pas. † ( Abu-Lughod, 11 ) In these illustrations the thought of Eurocentrism is difficult to lose. As Abu-Lughod points out, â€Å" Before Europe becameoneof the world-economies in the twelfth and 13th centuries†¦ there were legion pre-existent world-economies. † ( 12 ) Looking at the modern system it is possibly excessively easy to see the strength of the European influence upon the system, whether in currency rates, human rights issues, or a assortment of other countries. But to state that the modern system is purely based on this influence suggests that all other systems have either been discarded or go subservient to the Euro-centric theoretical account. Yet we have merely to come in a non-European state to recognize merely how diverse the differences elsewhere remain. Surely the strong grades of European influences are felt in South Africa or India, where English is widely spoken. And similarly in Algeria and Egypt where Arabic is still the national linguistic communication but a turning per centum of the population speak French and English, severally. Yet in each instance, although they have adopted parts of the Euro-centric theoretical account, they have each molded their ain signifier. Rather than being consumed Europe they have been influenced by it. But the influence is non unidimensional, instead influences flow back and Forth between parts. The ongoing argument in France sing hijab and other spiritual symbols in public schools is declarative of the concern felt by many in France of the turning Muslim population. Likewise, the alterations in corporate leading methods over the past decennary, from individualistic to more group-oriented, reflect an inflow of new thoughts from Japan and other states in Southeast Asia. In the terminal, Abu-Lughod was at least partly right ; Europe has influenced the construction of the world-system. But the world-system, and including Europe, has been influenced by the remainder of the universe. In a similar mode, while the construction of societal scientific disciplines found its beginnings in Europe it has, particularly in recent decennaries, been strongly influenced by the remainder of the universe. The construction that remains is non a massive creative activity but instead an merger which is invariably in flux. Leading possibly to the inevitable inquiry, are we utilizing the right, or the best system? Or do we even need to make this construction? When composingThe Ritual Processin 1969 Victor Turner gave us the term ‘anti-structure ‘ . His term was non meant to connote a deficiency of construction. In â€Å" Metaphors of Anti-Structure in Religious Culture † he clarified his term stating, â€Å" †¦ the ‘anti ‘ is here merely used strategically and does non connote a extremist negativeness. † ( 272 ) He farther explains, â€Å" I do non seek the obliteration of affair by signifier. † ( 273 ) Rather than proposing non-structure, the term anti-structure is conceived as yet another portion of the whole non to the full accounted for within the bing construction ; they are two-sides of the same coin. Within societal scientific disciplines as a whole at that place ever seems to be a construction. Disciplines are broken down by topics or methods. Subjects are broken down by location or clip period. Information is so pigeon-holed into a peculiar subject within a topic under a subject. Sometimes these topics and subjects are realigned, and sometimes information is referenced in multiple topographic points, but there is consistent effort to happen a topographic point everything ; or as the expression goes, â€Å" A topographic point for everything and everything in its topographic point. † But why must everything be put in its topographic point? And is there truly a topographic point for everything? Historically, our classification systems last until something does n’t suit. After seeking legion unsuccessful ways to accommodate our theoretical account and our information we acknowledge the job and expression for a new construction ; what sociology of cognition would cal cubic decimeter a revolution of cognition. But is a construction necessary? Can we gestate of our societal scientific discipline information outside the restraints of construction? If it is possible, we do we invariably seek to develop a more accurate and/or effectual construction? One might reason that early ethnographers, such as Marco Polo and Sir Richard Francis Burton worked outside the restraints of construction. They successfully documented important information without being purely attached to a peculiar subject. Indeed such plants frequently contain a wealth of information because they include a great assortment of different types of information. In a similar mode Clifford Geertz ‘ experience as described inDeep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfightcan be viewed as working outside the constituted construction. His intended survey was, no uncertainty, sanctioned and developed along certain guidelines. However, when he allowed himself to be caught up in rabble outlook brought on by the sudden reaching of the constabulary he was non moving within the restraints of any guidelines. Indeed Geertz ‘ description of the police officer ‘s action on page 415 suggest that he was movingagainstthe established construction. When we read about the Balinese cockfight and implicit in construction is easy to individuality. Peopless are identified by originals and specific subjects are ethical motives are indicated. The analysis itself is really structured, and that is where the construction seems to fall within much of the societal scientific disciplines, particularly anthropology. In order to pass on the information to others we construction it in such as manner that it becomes relevant to our audience. Yet the existent assemblage of information, though possibly limited by a pre-defined field site and research inquiries, can be a non-structured action. In my research of the effects of nomadic communicating engineerings, I frequently find it hard to non see a construction. Due to my experience working on the mechanical side of the engineering, I frequently construction the engineerings, and thereby the people, without detecting. A adult male in a suit utilizing a Blackberry phone seems is deemed a concern adult male, while a similar adult male have oning denims and utilizing an iPhone is deemed a college pupil. Likewise, person utilizing Linux is considered more technologically savvy than person utilizing Windows or an Apple OS, irrespective of their existent competency. From a proficient position, nomadic phones require a physical web to enable communicating. Unlike a land line phone which offers interaction between to fixed points in infinite, a nomadic phone offers an tantamount interaction at two random points. Furthermore, the cellular engineerings allow for non-stationary points, significance communicators are no longer tied to a fixed location. Enabling this nomadic communicating is an substructure web kindred to Levi-Strauss ‘ infrastructure of society. This is the unseeable, underlying system which ties everything together. With nomadic phones, a cellular web must be developed and maintained. This web must let easy connexion and must be linked to other cellular webs to enable transferring of one communicator to different locations with disrupting the manner of communicating. Finally, for this method to be genuinely effectual the web must be built around the communicators and their venues ; a cellular web in an empty desert serves no intent. Developing an effectual web therefore requires consciousness of bing locations of communicators and a method of mapping that information into a cellular web. Thus a construction develops based on the demands of a community. Of class, the communicators are by and large incognizant of this web. A adult male simply dials a figure on his Mobile phone, irrespective of where he is, and his married woman replies at some other unknown and apparently unrelated location. There is no demand for the users of this system to be cognizant of its nature, however the system does be. It is really easy to look around and see merely pandemonium. We are non required to see constructions in our day-to-day life. We take the construction itself for granted, yet that does non intend it does non be. We may gestate of cases where persons move outside the construction, or in a non-structured signifier. Yet when we seek communicate these actions we do so in a structured mode. The analysis, the manner we present the information, even the really linguistic communication itself contains an in agreement upon construction which allows us to pass on. But the construction is non massive and unchanging. A changeless duologue between different influences forms and reshapes the construction. We influence others even while we are influenced. At times a certain type of construction, such as the European theoretical account may look to rule but in clip even it is seen to be influenced by others. In the terminal thought of construction is in an built-in thought throughout the universe, a nd it is merely the peculiar signifier, what Levi-Strauss called the superstructure, that is distinguishable. Bibliography Abu-Lughod, J. ( 1989 ) . â€Å" Analyzing a System in Formation. † InBefore European Hegemony: The World System A.D. 1250-1350. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Pp 3-40. Althusser, L. ( 1970 ) .Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses.Retrieved on 28 Feb 10, From The Louis Althusser Internet Archive: hypertext transfer protocol: // DiTornaso, N. ( 1982 ) . â€Å" ‘Sociological Reductionism ‘ from Parsons to Althusser: Associating Action and Structure in Social Theory. †American Sociological Review, 47 ( 1 ) : 14-28. Geertz, C. ( 1973 ) . â€Å" Deep Play: Notes on a Balinese Cockfight. † InThe Interpretation of Cultures. London, UK: Hutchinson, Pp 412-454. Geertz, C. ( 1973 ) . â€Å" Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture. † InThe Interpretation of Cultures. London, UK: Hutchinson, Pp 3-30. Goffman, E. ( 1963 ) . â€Å" Stigma and Social Identity. † InStigma: Notes on the Management of a Spoiled Identity. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Pp. 1-40. Levi-Strauss, C. ( 1958 ) . â€Å" Structural Analysis in Linguistics and in Anthropology. † Retrieved on 13 Feb 10, From The Marxist Internet Archivess: hypertext transfer protocol: // Mintz, S. ( 1977 ) . â€Å" The Alleged World System: Local Initiative and Local Response. †Dialectical Anthropology, 2 ( 4 ) : 253-270. Nugent, D. ( 2009 ) . â€Å" Knowledge and Empire: The Social Sciences and United States Imperial Expansion. †Identities:Global Studies in Culture and Power, 17 ( 1 ) : 2-44. Trouillot, M-R. ( 1991 ) . â€Å" Anthropology and the Savage Slot: The Poeticss and Politicss of Otherness. † InRecapturing Anthropology: Working in the Present. Richard Fox ( erectile dysfunction ) . Pp. 17-44. Turner, V. ( 1975 ) . â€Å" Metaphors of Anti-Structure in Religious Culture. † InDramas, Fields and Metaphors: Symbolic Action in Human Society. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. Pp. 272-300.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Compare Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Compare - Assignment Example The role of decision making for the recruiters is a complicated as there is a need to evaluate all factors of the candidate based on his qualifications, experience and capabilities to carry out his job responsibilities effectively. Moreover, there is a need that there is no bias attitude by the employer. In this report, two companies are considered namely Qatar Airways and British Airways and their decision-making policies are discussed and analyzed for recruiting members of cabin crew. Decision Making in Recruitment In order to select the right individual, the recruitment team needs to adopt effective methods using technology like recruitment software through which hiring is carried out. Such system weighs whether a candidate is suitable to carry his or her responsibilities effectively or not. The results, which are coming through this process, are more reliable and it is easier to make a decision about the candidate. Interview is the most important feature of the recruitment proces s, however, by using recruitment software it is easier to choose the right person as there is no biasness or personal preferences. Qatar Airways Qatar Airways is one of the premium and leading airlines in this world, which is covering destinations across Europe, Middle East and all regions of Asia Pacific and America. It has more than 27,000 staff members who are representing different functions of the Qatar Airways Group. British Airways British Airways is a UK based airline, which is covering about 160 national and international destinations in the world. Recruitment in Qatar and British Airways Both organizations carry out their recruitment process, which is based on assessment of academic qualifications for the required job and work experience specifics. In order to recruit members of cabin crew, the induction process carried out is based on demonstrating the skills required to carry out this particular job. Candidates go through a series of interviews, tests and group discussio n. Qatar Airways: Recruitment in Cabin Crew Qatar Airways has a recruitment team, which selects the right kind of employees through online applications as well as other means. They take into consideration various individual qualities required to do the job of cabin crew, and also good leadership skills which can allows individuals to provide solutions to complex situations through problem solving techniques. The candidates need to be presentable and dynamic with an optimistic approach towards life and their career. Moreover, the company has a clear set of values, which candidates need to fulfill. Video Interviewing As Qatar Airways is expanding its network at a tremendous rate so the need to hire suitable candidates is on the rise. Hiring is conducted in all major cities of the world. In order to make hiring simpler and easier video interviewing is performed. With this communication with the candidates can be carried out at a personal level and they can be judged of their technical knowledge through these interviews and keeping the cost of the recruitment process low (Hall, 2010). Qatar Airways uses recruitment software by the name of Sonru-QR to make it easier for people who are living in different parts of the world to apply online. Sonru Strength based video Interviewing Even though hiring candidates through telephonic interviews is a good way to evaluate them, but there are some issues, which the recruiters may

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Annotated Bibliography on Education Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

On Education - Annotated Bibliography Example The topics of self-esteem, moral development, cultural influences, peer relation, and family influence are all addressed as they pertain to this development of self-concept. Also some of the issues that may arise in any one of these categories are addressed as they may negatively impact this curtail developmental stage in an adolescence life. This book generally covers the psychological view of the stages of development, but it is written from an educational perspective, so they add in many relevant topics and solutions to aid educators in their pursuit of knowledge and growth. This source is very useful in giving a more clinical approach to the study of adolescent behavior and how outside influences can affect or alter psychological development. This source is very comparable to the other sources listed in that it comes from an educational point of view. However, it does have a slightly less emotional, more factual approach, which could prove useful in crediting my essay. I feel the information written in this book is very reliable, and all facts, concepts written are based on credited, sited works. I also do not feel that this source is biased. It is a source based on information, not emotion. The goal of this source is to inform the reader of the different stages of development. Laura E. Berk, is a distinguished professor of psychology at Illinois State University, where she teaches human development to both undergraduate and graduate students. She has a doctoral degree in early childhood development and education. from the University of Chicago. This bo ok was very helpful in aiding me in my search for information on how issues such as community, prejudices, and cultural acceptance affects the youth of our society. It helped to shape my argument by giving me factual, relevant information on ways one’s acceptance into society and by peers, especially at this age, can affect the entire well being and person one becomes. I can use the facts given in this source to aid the development of my argument and the credibility of my essay. This source did not change my initial outlook on the topic, it did, however, give me useful information in developing my ideas. Bode, Patty, and Sonia Nieto. Affirming Diversity: The SocioPolitical Context of Multicultural Education. 5th ed. Boston. Allyon & Bacon, Inc., 2008. Print. This books looks at the necessity and benefits of a multicultural education for all students. It is intended for both current and soon to be teachers. It discusses the topics of how personal, social, political, cultural, and educational factors affect whether a student succeeds or fails in the classroom. It uses several case studies to demonstrate how the issues discussed in this book have played out in a real classroom. With the goal of this book being to enlighten the reader on how diversity affects students in today’s classroom I found it very informative for my research topic. Being that this is a reliable source, with an objective based approach, I found it very comparable to the other sources listed in this bibliography. The primary goal of this source was to inform, not persuade the reader on diversity in the classroom. The authors, Patty Bode and Sonia Nieto, are both well known, reputable publishers and active in the educational community. Patty Bode is a director of education at

Outliers and The Rockefellers Habits Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Outliers and The Rockefellers Habits - Essay Example This is evident by the way he has intensified research and development in the company as well as the intensive marketing strategies that he has put in place. As a result of his hardworking aspect, he has served in several senior positions such as general manager of Coca-Cola Central Asia and Turkey prior to becoming the CEO (Gladwell 27). Kent is innovative. This has enabled him to diversify the company products based on the market needs. Additionally, the CEO has established an expansive research and development that has ensured that the company brands meet the international standards. In this way, the products are acceptable in all countries. Fifthly, the CEO is academically qualified. Based on the size of Coca-Cola Company, it is imperative to note that the skills that Kent gained while in Tarsus American College, University of Hull and Cass Business School in London have significantly enhanced his performance making him successful. Coca-Cola is focused at developing its employees. In this regard, the company has provided ample opportunities that ensure employees undertake part time studies thus enhancing their skills. For example, the company has established Coca-Cola University that is focused at talent development as well as leadership enhancement. Another notable handful rule of Coca-Cola is to increase productivity. Despite the stiff competition in the soft drink industry, Coca-Cola has undertaken extensive marketing strategies with an aim of putting at bay its rivals such as Pepsi. As a result, the company revenue has continued to increase thus making it one of the most profitable companies in the world. Coca-Cola is also aimed at product diversification to meet the needs of its customers in the international market. Under the strong leadership of Kent, Coca-Cola has launched more than 500 brands thus making its sales to be high in all regions. Through such wide range of products, the company has attracted a large network of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Foreign Exchange Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Foreign Exchange Market - Essay Example For example, the desire to purchase a foreign automobile or to travel abroad produces demand for a currency in which these goods or services are produced. Second reason maybe to acquire foreign currency is to purchase financial assets in a particular currency. The desire to open a bank account, purchase foreign stocks or bonds or acquire direct ownership of real capital would fall into this category. A third reason that individual's demand foreign exchange is to avoid losses or make profits that could arise through changes in the foreign exchange rate. Individuals acquire that currency today at a low price in hopes of selling it at a profit later at a high price and thus make a profit. Such risk taking is activity is referred to as speculation in a foreign currency. Others who have to pay for an imported item in the possibility that the foreign currency will become more valuable in the future and would associate with the changes in the exchange rate is referred to as hedging. The tot al demand for a foreign currency at any one point in time thus reflects these three underlying demands: the demand for foreign goods and services, the demand for foreign investment and the demand based on risk taking or risk avoiding activity. It should be clear that the demands on the part of a country's citizens correspond to debit items in the balance-of-payments accounting framework. SUPPLY SIDE Participants on the supply side operate for similar reasons (reflecting credit items in the balance-of-payments). Foreign currency supply to the home country results firstly from foreigners purchasing home exports of goods and services or making unilateral transfers or investment income payments to the home country. For example, U.S. exports of wheat and soybeans are a source of supply for foreign exchange. A second source arises from foreign purchases of U.S. stocks and placement of bank deposits. Japanese joint ventures in U.S. automobile or electronic plants are all examples of financial activity that provides a supply of foreign exchange to U.S. Finally, foreign speculation and hedging activities can provide yet a third source of supply. The total supply of foreign exchange in any time period consists of these three sources. The foreign exchange market in the figure below is presented from a U.S. perspective and, like any normal market, contains a downward sloping demand curve and an upward sloping supply curve. The price on the vertical axis is stated in terms of domestic currency price of the foreign currency, for example $/franc and the horizontal axis measures the units of Swiss francs supplied and demanded in at various prices (exchange rates). The intersection of the supply and demand curves determines simultaneously the equilibrium exchange rate and the equilibrium quantity of Swiss francs supplied and demanded during a given period of time. An increase in the demand of Swiss francs on the part of the United States will cause the demand curve to shift out to D' and the exchange rate to increase to e'. Note that the increase in the exchange rate means that it is taking more U.S. currency to buy each

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Caring in a technological world Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Caring in a technological world - Assignment Example Accurate documentation and integration of medical treatments and confidentiality is a pre requisite for the nursing staff as it endeavors to promote effective communication. Informatics plays a major role in communication in health care today. Use of cell phones and internet as tools for communication between physicians and patients is useful. It makes the patients to make informed decisions and focus on questions that they seek to ask their physicians because they provide written texts. They are also efficient because they provide a mode of communication though both parties may not be present at the same time (Ball, 2000). Research in the last decade showed that nearly 100,000 people die annually in the U.S.A due to medical errors (Ball, 2000). The introduction of medical informatics has led to the steep decline of these numbers. The technology can be used in diagnoses and treatments of patients. The invention of the COSTAR (Computer Stored Ambulatory Record) shows improvement in cases of misdiagnosis as this application software has an electronic patient that reminds clinicians and physicians about the guidelines of medical practice (Ball, 2000). There are also computerized programs that assist the physicians on the line of proper antibiotics to be prescribed. Processing prescriptions through this system ensure that the possibility of errors is reduced by over 45% (Ball, 2000). Managing knowledge involves proper dissemination of intrinsic and valued information after its acquisition. This information can be patient specific or evidence based. Examples of such information include electronic medical records and administrative (Ball, 2000). The ability to put into use the knowledge derived from informatics is the determinant of success of these systems. Health care information should be managed to promote confidentiality and the integrity of such data. These data should only be accessible to the appropriate individuals.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Virtualize Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Virtualize - Essay Example i. Performance tuning. It becomes a bit more complicated to monitor performance. Performance monitors alone cannot be relied on. In the VMware environment the use of vSphere will be used. You also need to comprehend how virtual environments manage its resources. This plan is vital because this is the vital components that are used for the virtualization and this often causes the system to malfunction. This is also important so as to avoid the underutilization of the server. The installation of four high-performance guest sessions will escalate a server to 50% or 60% of the server performance. Therefore the planning phase is vital step on any Hyper-V configuration. (Dimar, 2008) This is important to the organization because it will give the glimpse of the benefit of virtualization and the cost that will be required. This cost strategy is vital in any organization to avoid losses that may be due to system failure. (Pollak, 2011) I will go on with the implementation of the strategy of implementation of a virtual infrastructure. This is because the computing operations are of multiple sites with a server count of more than 400 which is larger number. This can increase the performance of the company and may increase its profitability. (Pollak,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Glass Castle Essay Example for Free

The Glass Castle Essay The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls is an extremely shocking novel in that even it weren’t true the events in the story would still be shocking, but the fact that it is true makes it that much more disturbing. In the book Jeannette is on more than one occasion, a victim of sexual abuse. Although there is one event in particular that I found exceptionally troubling. And that is when Jeannette and her family are in their upper class house in Phoenix and innocently leave their doors and windows open. One night, random perverts sneak into their home and sexually assault the children. And it wouldn’t be so bad if Jeannette didn’t play it off as though it were nothing. She almost makes it seem like barely mentioning when she says that â€Å" I was awakened by someone running his hands over my private parts†(103). And the man who assaulted her had a book â€Å"with pictures of boys and girls wearing only underpants†(103). From the eyes of someone like I, who can make no connection with perverts other than the horrific news stories of rape and murder I occasionally hear about, this event is tremendously disturbing. When I read this part of the book I thought she was in mortal danger. I’ve never actually heard of someone sexually assaulting a child without it involving some sort of murder or kidnapping. It really goes to show she is familiar with perverts and wrongfully – or rightfully I’m not really sure – does not feel an extreme panic type of danger when dealing with pedophiles. This event teaches Jeannette what is really worth worrying about. After Rex and Jeannette go out she realizes this is like hunting Demon, â€Å" except the enemy was real and dangerous instead being the product of a kid’s overactive imagination. (103)† And it goes to show that a big reason why Jeannette is so mature and matures so quickly is due to the fact of her constant experience of traumatizing events and moments of extreme danger.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Delivering Banking Facilities for the Disabled

Delivering Banking Facilities for the Disabled Healthy Banking:  The way towards increased financial inclusion Contents Abstract Introduction Recommendations A. Sight Impaired B. Hearing loss C. Physical disabilities Conclusion References Abstract The Bank of Mauritius’ initiative ‘Banking Your Future’ to promote a fair and inclusive banking sector has been launched in June 2014 to investigate the 100 possible ways in which the banking sector could be improved. Based on the above project, this report aims at analyzing the nature, dynamics and degree of financial exclusion of people bearing a disability and examines the significance of access to banking facilities within this group of people that is more often than not marginalized. Thus, this study further explores Pillars 1, 5 and 6 of the eight pillars set out in the Task force produced by the Bank of Mauritius in June 2014. These include, accessibility of banking to all, fair treatment of customers and customer protection respectively. In simpler terms, this report explores how the delivery and operation of banking facilities could be developed and/or improved to attend to the constant needs of people with a physical or learning disability with the view to promote their financial inclusion in the banking sector. Introduction Banking is a fundamental part of the fabric of routine life for most people, nevertheless certain people in Mauritius are deprived the access to a bank account and to fair banking services due to the difference they present. Indeed, 4.8%[1] of the Mauritian population has been recorded as having a disability in 2011. With an ageing population, the statistics look set to grow further. This group of people therefore embodies a substantial segment of any bank’s consumer base and it is in the interest of these institutions to satisfy the needs of their clients. People with a disability require access to banks and their services in order to become autonomous by managing their finances as well as to keep track of their regular benefit remittances. For many of them, finance issues are a substantial source of worry and stress at the time when they should be concentrating on their health rather than their financial stability. Sadly though, some providers are not very effective when dealing with people having health difficulties. To this issue, this research aims at promoting the financial inclusion of the disabled population by identifying how banking institutions could improve their services to alleviate the problems faced by this minority population that is too often left behind. Supporting disabled people is not just about doing the right thing for consumers facing hardships but can be beneficial for banking businesses as well. Not only will such an initiative reduce debt, improve staff contentment and breed customer loyalty but will also guarantee regulatory compliance. It is to be highlighted that banks are in a good posture to help make a change since they have the tools to provide support to these people. Therefore, throughout this report some measures that could be implemented by banks to help and support disabled people pertaining to their personal finances will be discussed with a view to stimulate accessibility of banking to all, fair treatment of customers and customer protection. Recommendations The recommendations throughout this report will be subdivided into distinct sections relating to a specific health impairment namely sight, hearing and physical limitations. A. Sight Impaired The Population Census conducted in 2011 showed that approximately 14000 people had a sight problem even when wearing glasses. This situation undeniably has a severe impact on their everyday lives and with years going by like in the blink of an eye this number is certainly on the rise. Indeed banks are not oblivious to such an issue for they have invested in talking ATMs, whereby what appears on the screen is read aloud by the machine to facilitate the daily transactions of people suffering from sight impairment. However, not all banks in Mauritius have taken such an initiative thereby penalizing their clients. Thus, these speech enabled ATMs ought to become more pervasive throughout the island while providers not extending such a service to their clients need to consider this enhancement that could make easier the lives of people having sight problems. JAWS[2] and earphones could be introduced in Mauritius so that blind and low-vision users can conduct ATM transactions in such a way that they have a feeling of privacy and security during the process. It is to be noted that navigating around an ATM pad is facilitated by the fact that the number 5 has an elevated dot so that the central number on the number pad can be located by touching it. This is the case with most if not all ATMs found in Mauritius. Moreover, some ATMs also have other tactile support for instance an elevated circle that indicates ‘OK’ thereby confirming the transaction while an elevated cross denotes abortion of the transaction. However, certain ATMs lack these latter facilities as the ‘OK’ and ‘Cancel’ buttons both have a slit rectangle on the pad making the difference between both imperceptible. Moreover, it should be highlighted that people having sight problems, especially those affected with blindness, may not even be able to get to a branch on their own. To such an issue, banks could send booklets, bank statements and pamphlets, whenever these are required by the client, in larger text prints for those whose eyesight is damaged, Braille for those who can read Braille as it should be noted that not everyone can read Braille, particularly if sight problems have developed in a late stage of life- , or simply as an audio CD so that those concerned do not have to provide additional effort on their own. Visually disabled users also encounter barriers such as access to internet banking transactions. It will certainly sound pretentious and expensive to include to these recommendations facilities like computer voice recognition softwares to facilitate the use of online banking services by people having sight impairment. Such an initiative may lead to a tradeoff between easing the use of online banking and the bank’s security system. However, what is more accessible to banks is changing the formatting of their websites by altering the display in such a way that the websites are more easily read. This could be in the form of text size where propositions at the top of the page could include normal, large and extra-large which could spearhead into a change in the text size throughout the website. Visually impaired people require patient human contact and continuous customer care. Implementing the above recommendations will not only promote the financial inclusion of people suffering from sight impairment but will also provide a competitive edge to the banks providing such facilities. B. Hearing loss According to the population census of 2011, there are more than 4000Mauritians with some form of hearing problem. Banks are considered as service providers, according to The Equal Opportunities Act 2008, and are consequently required to take actions to make sure that their services are as accessible and fair as possible to customers suffering from hearing loss so that the latters are not given a less favourable treatment as compared to non-disabled customers. Deaf customers report that banks tend to discriminate them against other customers, consequently making them feel aggrieved and embarrassed by banks’ indifference to their hearing limitations. The plight of deaf bank customers include banks’ over-reliance on telephone use for security issues, unfair treatment, the absence of hearing aid systems and poorly trained, dismissive and discourteous staff. Also, deaf customers protest that their communications frequently go unanswered and that they are requested to call in to discuss their issues. Recommending a relative or friend to address the bank on their behalf is not always the best solution due to confidentiality matters and this will not promote the financial inclusion of deaf customers but will make them over-dependent on third parties. It is to be highlighted that measures taken by banks in Mauritius to satisfy the needs of people with hearing loss are apparently inexistent. To this issue, in order to increase the financial inclusion and promote the fair treatment and welfare of people with hearing loss, the following measures could be considered with the hope that these recommendations do not fall on deaf ears. The text relay service can be a crucial aid for people with hearing problems. It is a service whereby the customer can call any of the bank agents’ numbers using text relay and when the call is answered, an operator will join in and communicate the request of the customer- received in written-form to the bank in oral form. As wisely said by Israelmore Ayivor (Shaping the dream), â€Å"Don’t despise little things that contain tiny miracles. Enjoy little actions!† Similarly banks need not take noticeable actions to help their customers suffering from hear loss. Indeed, an efficient Note Writer at the counter could facilitate the communication with an individual that cannot communicate orally. This particular teller could jot down the transaction’s purpose, fees and issues on paper so that the customer understands what the transaction consists of and what is required from him. Similarly, when dealing with people having hearing impairments simple actions that may seem futile could facilitate the transaction between both parties. Indeed, the bank staff should make sure they are in a well-lighted zone where the deaf customer can see their faces during communication. Looking directly and speaking directly to the disable person instead of his interpreter will make him feel valued during the transaction. Staff at the counter ought also to avoid putting their hands or any document in front of their face or mouth when speaking. Moreover, counter staffs could be initiated to sign language. If at least two counter staff trained for sign language are present at counters, this will undoubtedly be an advantage for the client but this will also be a serious competitive gain to the bank itself. However, notice often need to be given if the service is needed. In the same optic, since disabled people prefer transacting from home, an online service could be implemented whereby with a computer and a webcam, the disabled customer is able to speak to a bank staff that is trained for sign language and can thereby communicate a request or make a bank transaction. Pertaining to advertising campaigns made by banks, visual advertisements ought to be subtitled so that deaf people don’t feel excluded and can thus understand the advertisement with the same ease a non-disabled customer does. Hearing loss is an emergent problem so it is vital that banks take actions to ensure people having hearing disabilities can access their services without hindrance for if only a few thousand of the population suffering from hear loss took legal action against the pitiable treatment they receive, these financial institutions could end up paying substantial compensation to customers with hearing impairments. C. Physical disabilities There exist several types and degrees of physical disabilities. It is widely thought that people with physical disabilities require a wheelchair. However, this is not always the case since people suffering from arthritis, heart or lung conditions and those having undergone amputations also have difficulty with moving, sitting or standing. Indeed according to the population census conducted in 2011, a rough 42% of the disabled population are physically impaired and require assistance in their routine life. Banks in Mauritius do cater for the needs of people with such difficulties. For instance, the large Mauritian banks design their branches in such a way that their services are more accessible to their customers having physical disabilities. Indeed, ramps have been included in their architectures to facilitate access to wheelchairs and some banks make it a must to provide level access to their clients while meeting spaces are large enough to accommodate wheelchairs. Sadly though this architecture is not found in smaller banks. Therefore, ramps should be available on bank premises where steps are the only means of access. However, there are still gaps that ought to be filled in order to promote the financial inclusion of having physical problems. In a first instance, queuing aisles should be designed wide enough for wheelchairs for some of the aisles present in our banks are rather narrow. Moreover, banks should consider investing in providing comfort to people in physical discomfort. Wheelchair lifts could be installed where client service is not done on the ground floor while specific washrooms should be accessible to the public for some people may be physically unwell when attending a bank branch. It should be noted that certain people do not suffer from apparent physical disabilities but are naturally short in height without mentioning those born with dwarfism. For them and for the disabled population using wheelchairs, banks should consider low level teller counters in their branches as well as at least a low-level ATM machine that could be easily accessed by such people with measures that assure privacy and security during the transaction process. Given that all these recommendations are taken into consideration in a near future, people with physical difficulties will certainly feel more included financially and will find banking services more accessible and fairer bearing in mind that customer protection ought to be one of the prime objectives of a bank. Conclusion Barriers are hindrances that prevent people with disabilities from doing many of the routine activities, like daily banking transactions, that most of us tend to take for granted. A disability can occur to anyone at any time. In fact, as the Mauritian population greys, many of us could eventually face some kind of physical or mental limitation. This foresight report therefore, looks out to banking in the future years and defines the revolution that could ultimately lead to healthier banking practices. To this issue banks are called to recognise the needs of disabled clients and use judicious endeavours to improve their access to banking services. This report thus sets out potential actions that banks could and should explore and adopt for a brighter future. These changes will certainly present increased facilities for the disable population while presenting opportunities for the Mauritian banks to develop competitive assets, but they will also present considerable challenges to these institutions. It will be essential for the Mauritian banks to make a collective step to forge new policy frameworks and develop actions so that people having some kind of disability can feel financially autonomous thereby rebalancing fairness among clients in banking activities. Not only will such measures promote Pillars 1, 5 and 6 of the eight pillars set out in the Task force including, accessibility of banking to all, fair treatment of customers and customer protection respectively but these will fundamentally help meeting essential human needs. As from tomorrow and ever after, open your eyes to the world surrounding you, hear the cry of those who need you and walk together towards something new, something true: Healthier Banking- the way towards increased financial inclusion. References Global Rainbow Foundation. (2011) Handbook of Rights for Person with Disability in Mauritius Government of Mauritius. (2008) National Policy Paper Action Plan on Disability: â€Å"Valuing People with Disabilities† Jones. P., A., (2009) Still banking on a fresh start Livingstone. J. (2007) Banking matters to me: The experiences of people with a learning disability seeking to use banking products and services. Friends Provident Foundation. ISBN 978-1-906249-01-4 Livingstone. J., Dean. L. (2008) Banking on good decisions: How can the Mental Capacity Act help you with your bank, building society or post office account? Mental Health Foundation. ISBN 978-1-906162-17-7 MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (2012) Statistics Mauritius: 2011 Housing and Population Census. Volume IV: Disability REPUBLIC OF MAURITIUS (2011) Population Census: Main Results RNIB. (2012) Safe Statistics and key messages about sight loss Samuel. C., (2009–2010) Making Bank Notes Accessible for Canadians Living with Blindness or Low Vision. THE BANK OF MAURITIUS (2014) Banking Your Future: Towards a fair inclusive banking sector THE CO-OPERATIVE BANK (2013) Talking ATMs for the blind and partially sighted: Because banking with us should be as easy as possible for all Westpac Banking Corporation. (2008) Day-to-Day Bank Accounts: Easy banking for customers with disability. WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION. (2014) Country Cooperation Strategy at a glance: Mauritius. [1] Republic of Mauritius 2011 Population Census whereby 3.6% are aged between 15-59 years and 17.5% forms part of an elder population [2] Job Access With Speech (JAWS) screen reader

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Qualms of Communication Essay -- miscellaneous

The Qualms of Communication "He never talks to me!" That phrase is the most common complaint that women have about men. The communication process between men and women has long been an interest for many people. The way we speak and why we speak that way have prompted diverse opinions from various authors over the years. Deborah Tannen is one such author. Tannen, who has a doctorate in linguistics, is a professor at Georgetown University. She has been studying the way people communicate and the problems they have communicating with each other for many years. Her studies inspired her to write several books on the subject. The excerpt â€Å"Put Down That Paper and Talk To Me,† which appears in the textbook Writing the World, was taken from her best-seller You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation, written in 1991. Deborah Tannen believes men and women talk differently because they are raised in two different conversational cultures and that problems arise because of conversational styl e. She thinks that boys are taught to speak like men and girls taught to talk like women. In the essay Tannen addresses many of the misgivings of communication, based upon her numerous studies, that she believes proves men and women really are taught to talk a certain way. Deborah Tannen has been studying how people communicate with each other and she believes it starts at a very early age. Starting when we are very young, we communicate very differently. On a television show titled â€Å"She Said, He Said,† Tannen showed some video recording on a study of hers that had two same-sex children enter a room and sit and talk to each other. She performed this same study on varying ages of children from 5 to 16 and in every case the results were the same. She found that the boys would sit side by side and would speak almost distractedly, while looking about the room. The girls would enter the room, place their chairs facing each other, and would speak looking directly at each other. To Tannen, this study showed how males do not talk with much intimacy. Their relationships are held together by performing activities in a group, such as sports or politics. She believes men speak when they feel a need to impress or if their social status is in question. T he females however, spoke with much more closeness. Tannen says, â€Å"For females, talk is the glue that holds their relationships... ...them control power, wealth, and social resources because men think that women do not want them. Another one of Tannen’s critics, Senta Troemel-Ploetz, accuses Deborah Tannen of ignoring the possibility that men and women communicate differently because of differences of power. Troemel-Ploetz contends that the problem goes beyond conversational style. She believes that Tannen completely misses the power-struggle between the two sexes in the ways that they speak. She believes that society is giving men too much power in speaking and essentially how people are leading their lives. Tannen’s advice on how to solve communication problems is mainly just to understand the differences in the way we speak. Tannen says, â€Å"Many men honestly do not know what women want, and women honestly do not know why men find what they want so hard to comprehend and deliver.† Men and women are different so naturally we will behave and talk differently. Since we start communicating at a young age Tannen believes we are raised to speak in separate worlds by a combination of cultural and biological influences, and if we can better understand our differences, we can solve many of the qualms of communication.

The Importance of Family Tradition in the Film, William Faulkner: A Life on Paper :: Movie Film Essays

The Importance of Family Tradition in the Film, William Faulkner: A Life on Paper William Faulkner’s life was defined by his inability to conduct himself as a true Southern gentleman. He never achieved affluence, strength, chivalry or honor. Therefore, the myth of Southern masculinity eluded him. Faulkner shied away from violence, he never proved himself in battle. He was not a hard worker, nor was he an excellent family man. Seemingly worst of all, he did not follow in the footsteps of his father and the â€Å"Old Colonel.† The code of Southern gentility highly praises family tradition. As a born and bred Southerner I can attest to this fact. Every man in my family for ten generations has been a plumber. It is the utmost honor for a man to follow his father’s example. Faulkner, unfortunately, was incapable of really living like his father. Therefore, I believe Faulkner’s collective failures are rooted in the fact that he could not live up to the standards set by the men in his family. Faulkner’s father and great grandfather could be described as the embodiment of Southern masculinity. The video â€Å"A Life on Paper† made it clear that the Faulkner men were â€Å"manly men.† The â€Å"Old Colonel† was remembered as a valiant war hero and a wonderful storyteller. William’s father continued perfectly in his footsteps. He had an intense work ethic and he served in the military. He provided for his family and he never turned down a good fight. Together they set the mold for the perfect Southern man, a role that William could never hope to fulfill. William did, however, possess the unquenchable pride of a Southern man. He recognized the importance of proving himself to his father. So he spent his time emulating the man he admired. He tried to construct a normal family life but he was self- centered and irresponsible. His lack of steady income prevented him from being a provider like his father. Perhaps worst of all, Faulkner missed an important rite of passage by being denied war experience. The writer never actively participated in battle, so he constructed an elaborate web of lies and vivid stories. This event highlights Faulkner’s own intense determination to reach the Southern ideal. Since he couldn’t really be a war hero, he fabricated himself into one. This struggle proved extremely difficult for Faulkner. Upon reading Faulkner’s The Unvanquished, I drew a parallel between Drusilla’s commentary on life and Faulkner’s own pursuit of masculinity (100).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Impact of Viewed Violence :: essays research papers

Violence is a major problem that most television programs have today as watching it on TV leads to violence in the society. Violence on TV can lead to thoughts of committing violence in real life. As it becomes popular amongst the "cool characters" on TV, one might mimic their actions in order to feel cool or popular amongst their friends in reality. Television violence is mostly used to solve problems and is considered the ?easy way out.? Watching something on TV makes some people think that it is okay and perfectly fine to do it in real life. While the characters use guns and make it look easy and interesting, this encourages viewers to copy their favorite characters. This leads to thinking that violence can be good, or even fun at times. In addition, people might be further lured into violence by seeing that it is frequently repeated and goes unpunished most of the time. For the ?good guys,? the consequences of the violence they perform usually goes unnoticed, leading to thoughts that there is nothing wrong with violence and nothing can happen if it is used even with good intentions. Imitation is a very common human element, and people can be drawn to a world of fear by absorbing the reality of television violence. This would eventually cause them to carry a weapon just like television characters and use it at the first sign of fear. Furthermore, violence on television is used to solve one?s problems, and is usually considered the easy way out. When someone has a problem, they might think that resorting to violence is the easiest and most inconsequential manner to complete a task. It can also lead to thinking that the person holding a weapon is in supreme control. While it is true that violence contains horrible consequences that are not always desirable in real life such as death of a friend or serving time in jail, the majority of

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Solid Waste Management For Hotels In Mauritius Environmental Sciences Essay

The chief aims of this mini undertaking were: to supply a reappraisal of cardinal constructs and issues relevant to solid waste direction for Small, Medium, and Large Hotel in Mauritius ; to analyze and measure the hotel solid waste direction ( HSWM ) plan in Mauritius and to propose recommendations and countries for farther research. The undermentioned informations aggregation methods were used in this survey: deep reappraisal of paperss and literature, interviews and a propose methodological analysis to transport out the survey. Tourism can convey both positive and negative impacts. One facet of touristry that can hold an impact on local communities is solid waste direction ( SWM ) . Improper SWM can take to pollution and impairment of the aesthetic entreaty of tourer finishs. However, may air hose bureau are assessed the hotels for safety and ecology before puting the tourer in the hotels. A proposed study questionnaire has been designed and could be administered at a ulterior phase for future rating of solid waste in little, medium, and big hotel.The questionnaire has been designed in such a manner to be able to analyze all solid waste within a hotel, illustration, waste from kitchen, shop, office, Front Office, Laundry, Housekeeping and so on Waste minimisation is indispensable in the hotel industry with respects to blow decrease, reuse, recovery and disposal. This is besides referred to as the Hierarchy of Waste Management.From the literature reappraisal obtained from different beginnings, little, medium and big hotel can follow the hierarchy of waste Minimization, Reduction, Reuse and Recovery.However it is besides noticed that there is advantages and disadvantages utilizing Waste Minimization Approach. Now, there is a batch of recycling companies in Mauritius which collect or hotel go to disposed all the stuffs to be recycled such as spectacless to Glass Gallery, Metals to Steel Scrap Ltd, Plastic Bottle to Polypet Recyclers Ltd, Paper to Agripac or Dakhri Paper. If Solid Waste is non decently managed by the hotel, there can be a environmental debasement and pollution, resource depletion and harm to marine ecosystem. The EPA 2002 is enforced by the Ministry of Local Government.According to the EIA, no hotel building till the blessing of the EIA Report Many hotels generate above 20 % of nutrient waste, Green Waste and can be composting.According to the Ministry of Local Government, really few hotels carry out the composting and many of the hotels whether little, medium or big do non hold expertness on composting. It is besides apparent that little and average hotels pay less attending for the execution of waste minimisation than larger hotels, because the costs outweigh the benefits. The little and average hotels have limited infinite for them to use the minimisation wholly.But to some extent little and average hotels can use the hierrerchy.Concepts such as appropriate engineering, cleaner production, life rhythm appraisal and environmental direction systems can be utile for bettering how solid waste direction is approached. Decisions and lessons learned from the literature are presented and links between constructs in the literature and.recommendations made on how to direction waste in these hotels Recognitions First and first, I would wish to show my gratitude to my supervisor, Mrs Geeta Devi Unmar for her valuable meetings usher, support for my mini undertaking on Solid Waste Management for Hotel ( Small, Medium and Large ) . I am besides thankful Mr Prakash Kowlessur, Director Solid Waste Unit, and Mr Micheal Marie, Principal Enforcement Officer, Ministry of Local Government, for his helpful coordination with his staffs to roll up the measure of waste per hebdomad. Particular thank to Mr. Shardoo, Environment Officer at Ministry of Environment and NDU for his utile information on EIA usher line for coastal hotel.Finally particular a thank to Mr. Lan Pin Wing Michel, Statistic Section, Ministry of TourismABBREVATIONSTable of Contentss1.0 Introduction1.1 An Overview of Solid Waste In Mauritius The rapid industrialization and urbanisation during the past decennary have led to altering production and ingestion forms that continue to show new demands for natural resources and make new waste watercourses. It is estimated that solid waste produced in Mauritius is about 380,000 metric tons a twelvemonth ( or 1,200 metric tons per twenty-four hours ) and is expected to make 418,000 metric tons in 2014.Each Mauritanian generates around 0.7 kilogram of solid waste daily and this is expected to lift to 0.9 kilograms by 2010. The development of an integrated solid waste direction scheme is among the precedences identified in the National Environmental Schemes to cut down future costs from environment debasement The addition in the economic development has changed the life manner and the ingestion form of the population. Consequently, this has led to an addition of the sum of solid waste generated.1.2 Composition of MSMIt is found that most of the waste is organic in nature and can be compost easy( Fact Sheet- Ministry of Environment ).1.3 Waste Composition from HotelThere are three chief beginnings of waste from hotels ( office/guest suites, gardens, and kitchen/restaurant ) , and each beginning contains different types of waste. For illustration, there are a batch of compostable, which can be biologically decomposed, present in kitchen-waste while more recyclables are present in waste from office/guest suites ( Chopra, 2004 ) Harmonizing to Reseearch, Dr Wan Li Liao,2008 A typical hotel ‘s waste watercourse in Belize consists of the undermentioned constituent per centums: paper/cardboard 27 % , nutrient waste 45 % , yard waste 8 % , fictile 5 % , metal 5 % , glass 5 % , destruction and building waste 3 % , other 2 % . 1.4 Disposal Of Solid Waste In Mauritius Once solid wastes were disposed of in unfastened dumping evidences, but due to public ailments of the nuisance caused by the disgusting smell emitted by the putrefying waste, all the unfastened mopess have now been closed. The Ministry of Local Government and the Local Authorities are responsible for aggregation and transit of family and commercial wastes. Today, solid wastes are collected and disposed of at the Mare Chicose landfill through transportation Stationss. There are soon 5 transportation Stationss in Mauritius viz. : – Poudre d'Or – Roche Bois – Lanthanum Brasserie – St Martin – Lanthanum Laura Wastes are compacted at the transportation station to cut down their volume before they are transported in larger vehicles to the exclusive landfill of the state which is at Mare Chicose. In hotel really the waste is collected in different bins, that is, segregation at beginning.Waste bearer come to roll up the waste and so reassign to set down make full.For Most of the hotel the transportation is subcontracted to cleaning service such as Securiclean, Maxiclean ltd or even to private lorry.Sometime due to hapless direction of solid waste, hapless storage, and abnormality of waste bearer to roll up waste, make rise to bad odor, gnawers and sometimes it is non esthetics. Now the touristry industry is one of the three pillars of the Mauritanian Economy. Mauritius is become one of the most of import international tourer finishs in the Indian Ocean. The tourer reachings for the twelvemonth 2009 rose up to 413,504, with a prognosis of 1.0 million tourer reachings for the terminal of twelvemonth 2010. Due to the enlargement of touristry industry, there were entire of 97 registered hotels in operation by the terminal of June 2009 ( C.S.O. , 2009 ) . Hotel activities produce immense sum of wastes, which tend to increase as the figure of hotels additions. The job of waste coevals associated to environmental pollution is a challenge to hotels with respects to blow aggregation and disposal. Our infinite land fill become limited Much accent is placed on ecotourism. Ecotourism in fact consists of three elements: natural-based, educational and sustainable direction ( ecoT mgt and buttocks ) Mauritius itself is described as an ecotourism finish in the Indian Ocean and Africa part. ( encyclo of ecoT ) . One illustration of an â€Å" ecogreen † hotel in Mauritius is Le Coco Beach Hotel, whereby ecotourism patterns are applied ( ecot themes.. ) â€Å" Ecogreen † hotels can assist to protect the environment, do hotel operations sustainable, cut down cost and liabilities, and better wellness and safety. Since hotel operations such as housework, saloon and eating house, kitchen, greenscaping, administrative office and staff quarters, bring forth big measures of solid waste, a good solid waste direction system is indispensable. Precedence must be given to the development and execution of a sustainable and incorporate solid waste direction system, promoting current patterns such as reuse, recycling, composting, waste decrease and bar, installations for waste disposal and engineerings to change over waste into energy.1.5 Research GoalsThe betterment of solid waste direction is one of the challenges faced by tourer finishs in Mauritius. This mini undertaking provides full literature reappraisal of the HSWM plan in Mauritius to circulate information about an advanced solid waste direction plan in a tourer finish. This survey will research the subjects Decisions, recommendations and future research waies will be presented at the terminal of the survey. The research objectives for the survey were: To supply a reappraisal of cardinal constructs and issues related to solid waste direction in Mauritius . To analyze and measure the hotel solid waste direction ( HSWM ) plan in Mauritius refering to Small, Medium and Large Hotel To supply infinite to the landfill . To propose recommendations and countries for farther research.1.6 BeneficiariesFrom the result of this mini undertaking I have try to place the HSWM within the Small, Medium and Large Hotel and how the system is working within the hotel, that the hotel staff is confronting and this can function a starting point in the Hotel for bettering its conditions, substructure, work environment and attitudes towards the waste direction, and eco environment.It will be a great benefit for the Small and Medium Hotel2.0 Literature reappraisal2.1.1 What is wasteWastes are those stuffs no longer required by an person, establishment or industry. Wastes are therefore regarded as byproducts or terminal merchandises of the production and ingestion procedure severally. ( Beginning: A. Vesilind, 1995 ) 2.1.2 Solid waste is that stuff which arises from assorted human activities and which is usually discarded as useless or unwanted. Examples of solid wastes: waste tyres bit metal furniture and plaything domestic garbage ( refuse ) discarded contraptions and vehicles empty tins, pigment tins and compressed gas cylinders, plastics and bottle building and destruction dust, 2.1.3 SOURCES AND TYPES OF WASTES Wastes are produced by human activities and include: 1. Municipal wastes 2. Industrial wastes 3. Agricultural wastes 5. Energy coevals wastes.2.1.3 MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTEMunicipal solid waste ( MSW ) is a waste type that includes preponderantly family waste ( domestic waste ) with sometimes the add-on of commercial wastes collected by a municipality within a given country. There are five wide classs of MSW: Biodegradable waste: nutrient & A ; kitchen waste, green waste, paper ( can besides be recycled ) . Reclaimable stuff: paper, glass, bottles, tins, metals, certain plastics, etc. Inert waste: building and destruction waste, soil, stones, dust. Composite wastes: Waste vesture, Tetra Paks, Waste plastics such as playthings. Domestic risky waste & A ; toxic waste: medicine, pigments, chemicals, visible radiation bulbs, fluorescent tubings, spray tins, fertiliser and pesticide containers, batteries, shoeWASTE DISPOSAL2.4 Waste Generation And CollectionIn Mauritius waste aggregation is undertaken by the local governments which consist of 5 municipalities for urban countries and 4 territory councils for rural parts. More recent figures indicate that near to 800 metric tons of waste is collected daily and this figure is set to increase to 1000 metric tons daily in the coming old ages. The followers is a interruption up of the beginnings of waste by tunnage. Trade and Industry: 150 tonnes/ twenty-four hours Domestic waste: 600 tonnes/ twenty-four hours Hotels: 50 tonnes/ twenty-four hours It has been estimated that, on norm, each individual generates 0.6 kilogram of waste daily. Whereas an mean household generates 800 kilogram per twelvemonth. ( Solid Waste Unit, Ministry of Local Government )Type of Waste Percentage of WasteTable 2 -Tonnage of Waste -Mare Chicose Landfill for Year 2007 to 2009 From the graph it can be concluded that the coevals on waste is being unbroken addition. Metallic tins: It is estimated that 28 million metal tins are imported yearly and this is set to increase at a rate of 5.7 % annually.2.4.1 HOTEL WASTE GENARATIONEach hotel room generates an estimated 9.2 kilogram of waste per twenty-four hours ( Wisnu 1998b ) . In Indonesia, per capita waste coevals rates were 0.65-0.83 kg/day in big metropoliss, 0.55-0.63 kg/day in medium metropoliss and 0.47-0.5 kg/day in little towns ( Jindal et al. , 1998 ) . Therefore, the sum of waste generate per hotel room is over 10 times the sum of waste generated per twenty-four hours.From both survey it was concluded that 80 % of waste is organic 2.4.2 Waste Disposal The authorized mopess are found at: ( 1 ) Poudre D'Or ( 2 ) Mt St Pierre ( 3 ) Riche Fond ( 4 ) Solferino ( 5 ) La Martiniere An unspecified figure of unauthorized mopess exist throughout the island. Though illegal dumping takes topographic point at these sites, the governments turn a blind oculus because of the deficiency of appropriate constructions to cover with all the wastes generated on the island. The present method of waste disposal can non go on for long as the mopess are overruning with heterogenous waste and unfastened mopess have obvious disadvantages like the emanation of air pollutants and smells, taint of the H2O tabular array with ooze and taint of aquatic resources like rivers and the laguna. The Roche Bois shit besides situated close to the shore receives domestic, commercial and industrial waste from the Port Louis country. About 100 metric tons of solid waste are discharged daily at the site and so incinerated. The bordering laguna is later polluted with all types of solid waste, it besides a receptacle for sewerage and industrial waste discharge.2.5 Waste ManagementWaste direction ‘ shall intend â€Å" the aggregation, conveyance, recovery and disposal of waste, including the supervising of such operations and aftercare of disposal sites † However the newer constructs of ‘Waste direction ‘ talk about ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle of waste ‘ over and above waste disposa1. 2.5.1Waste Minimization Approaches to Hotel Waste The Waste Hierarchy is a list of attacks to pull offing waste, arranged in order of importance. Below is a common graphical representation of the Hierarchy, with the least preferable option for pull offing waste, Recovery, located at the right terminal and the most preferable option, Reduction, located at the beginning left. WASTE MINIMIZAT10N APPRAOCHES Waste Minimization Techniques Delivered by Hotel Decrease Decrease is the topmost attack in the hierarchy of waste direction. It is possibly the most of import component of the waste hierarchy and besides the one which presents the toughest challenges. Harmonizing to the book â€Å" Waste Treatment and Disposal † , decrease â€Å" is the scheme that waste production from commercial ingestion should be reduced. It concerns the ingestion and buying of longer lasting merchandises, and merchandises which are likely to ensue in less waste when they are used. Examples of waste decrease are: purchasing by majority, and utilizing options. Reuse This is the 2nd most of import attack in the hierarchy of waste direction. Reuse is the aggregation and reuse of stuffs, for illustration cleansing and reuse of glass bottles. † Reuse is a more effectual usage of resources. Many of these merchandises can be reused alternatively of being disposed of to landfill Many waste merchandises have the possible to be reused enabling buying cost nest eggs at the installation, every bit good as diminishing waste direction cost. The attack of recycling merchandises can make alterations in attitudes towards disposable merchandises. Examples of merchandises that can be reuse are: used Surs, glass and plastic bottles, scrap paper, and plastic bags. RecoveryThis is the 3rd and concluding attack in the hierarchy of waste direction. It includes two types of waste recovery, which are recycling and composting. Harmonizing to the book â€Å" Waste Treatment and Disposal † , â€Å" ( 1 ) Recycling. The possible to recycle stuff from waste is high, Recycling: reprocessing of a cast-off waste stuff to do it suited for subsequent re-use either for its original signifier or for other intents Recycling is good in two ways: it reduces the inputs and reduces the sum of waste produced for disposal.Finally on recycling we can salvage conveyance vehicles, care cost, fuel costIn Mauritius, figures for 2000 show that merely 15 820 metric tons of waste per twelvemonth was being recycled alternatively of 100,000 metric tons ( Min. of Env. & A ; N.D.U-2003 ) .2.6 Benefits of Waste MinimizationThe benefits of the execution of waste minimisation at the hotel whether little, medium or big installation are as follows: 1. Less waste coevals will be produced due to the execution of waste minimisation plans in hotels and the support of tourer visitants and employees. As a consequence, the market tendencies, which attract and motivate tourers to see additions since the environmental quality is maintained. More tourer will be attracted 2. Giving back to the community and demoing environmentally friendly concerns besides enhances the mentality of the hotel ‘s public image. Being socially responsible shows how much the concern attentions about the outside elements that makes the concern successful, and non merely about net incomes 3. Having an environmental focal point of the hotel ‘s operations creates a market niche dividing that peculiar hotel from its rivals, whom are non eco-friendly. An environmental focal point is comparatively new in the hotel industry. 5. Increasing net incomes consequence since an abundant sum of money buying new merchandises which the installation could hold been utilizing the reclaimable merchandises alternatively and paying less for waste disposal. 2.7 Troubles of Waste Minimization Merely as there are many benefits of waste minimisation, there are so many troubles. 1. Although waste decrease, reuse and recovery have become an built-in portion of many hotel direction programs, infinite restrictions and finance frequently make this procedure problematic for some installations. 2. Limited cognition and preparation can be strenuous for directors to train their employees in transporting out these environmentally friendly patterns. Lack of control over these behaviours can be rather demanding. 3 At the smaller hotels, the costs outweigh the benefits go forthing the installation with no inducement to transport out this sustainable manner of operating. Environmental consciousness is turning at a slow rate.2.7 Tourism: Solid waste coevals and impactsHotel activities tend to bring forth big sum of solid wastes ; waste paper, letter paper and ink cartridges from the administrative offices and staff quarters ; old furniture equipments from invitee suites ; nutrient garbages, broken glasswork and other solid waste from the kitchen, saloon and eating houses ; newspapers and magazines from the forepart desk, waste flora from greenscaping and out of usage equipments from the care section. The touristry industry can hold positive impacts for a state. For illustration: addition of national net income, sweetening of the state ‘s planetary image, conveying in investors and improved substructure. On the other manus, negative effects are besides felt ; environmental debasement and pollution, resource depletion and harm to marine ecosystem.2.8 Importance of a good Solid Waste ManagementWaste is unsightly, malodourous and inaesthetic, fouling land, air and H2O, choke offing drainage systems, presenting serious public wellness hazards, and curtailing possible land usage ( Pernia,1992 ) .Improper SWM can ensue in pollution and wellness hazards and waste, if non disposed of decently can go a nuisance and a wellness hazard.Decomposing waste seaport disease vectors, attracts varmint and assist the proliferation of gnawers and rats ( national province of Allegro Papgayo hotel in Costa Rica was closed because of bad and unsustainable waste direction patterns which lead to ocean pollution in the milieus and bad smelling ( â€Å" Costa Rica ‘s Occidental Grand Papagayo to shut? † ,2008 ) . A good SWM is indispensable and should stress on environmental protection and wellness2.9 Approach to a Sustainable and Integrated Solid Waste ManagementAt present, more and more hotels are implementing sustainable patterns to cut down touristry impacts on the environment by utilizing H2O, energy and other stuffs expeditiously. These are termed as â€Å" ecogreen † hotels. This reduces cost for waste disposal and increased net incomes. In Mauritius some hotels like Oberoi Hotel and Le Plantation utilizing recycles points and one eating house from Le Plantation Hotel is made of all recycles stuffs like all home bases, spectacless, chairs, tabular arraies and so on.Another illustration is that At Amelia Island Plantation, Amelia Isla nd, FL, more than 5.5 dozenss of waste is collected for recycling each hebdomad.2.9.1 Energy recoveryTreating waste thermally WTE with heat recovery can assist to provide a clean and trusty energy under the signifier of heat and power. This can lend to salvaging energy ( Pavlas, et al. , 2009 ) . One illustration is Payatas, whereby electricity is produced from methane gas ( Serrona, Yu, 2009 ) . Energy recovery is a really sustainable solution to Plastic Solid Waste since plastics have a high calorific content and corporal energy. Cement kilns and fluidized beds are utilised to retrieve energy from PSW ( S.M. Al-Salem et al. , 2009 ) .2.9.2 CompostingComposting is a natural procedure that turns organic stuff into a dark rich substance. This substance, called compost, is a fantastic conditioner for dirt. It is the decomposition of the organic fraction of waste to bring forth a stable merchandise such as dirt conditioners and turning stuff for workss. Composting can salvage money for transportation of waste to landfill Composting is found to be the best manner to cover with organic types of waste generated ( Narayana, 2009 ) . In fact, for solid waste which have a high wet content and low calorific value, for illustration: nutrient wastes and greenscaping wastes, aerophilic composting is the best method for pull offing this waste. ( Narayana, 2009 ) .2.9.3 WASTE REDUCTIONRefillable agreeableness dispensers can replace soap, lotion, shampoo and conditioner bottles in hotel invitee suites. In Food and Beverage they can buy big Sn butter and replenishing in little porcelain pot instead than to purchase really little butter with smaller plastic container They can utilize Beverage Dispenser instead than can.They cut down waste, cut operating costs and salvage clip. Housekeeping directors save staff clip when they buy extremely concentrated cleansing supplies. Engineering directors cut waste and increase productiveness when they switch from candent visible radiations to fluorescent or LED bulbs. Fluorescent bulbs last five times every bit long as incandescents and LED ‘s operate 25 times longer. Modular mattresses allow hotels to replace merely the mattress tops, non the remainder of the units. They extend the seven-year mean life of hotel mattresses by five to ten old ages. Hotel eating houses cut down waste by utilizing washable table fabrics and dinnerware, reclaimable java filters and by supplying condiments in majority dispensers. Hotels can extinguish bottled H2O waste by utilizing filtered H2O. There are many more godforsaken bar schemes that hotels could deploy, such as: eliminating unrequested newspapers ; necessitating paperss to be printed on both sides of the page and with a smaller fount and borders ; inquiring hotel providers to cut down extra packaging ; and holding staff usage lasting mugs and cups, instead than disposables. The old furniture and the bed with the bed sheet can be donated to the infirmary establishments for reused and at the same clip their CSR additions.RecyclingMerchandises with minimum packaging can be ordered. Make grass cycling with the grass from the lawn. Stop supplying disposable mugs for illustration, purchase company mugs. Buy lasting towels, serviettes, etc. Promote the invitees to return the reclaimable merchandises. Introduce the waste bar programme to the invitees. ( ecogreenhotel, 2009 ) .2.9.5. Environmental Management SystemsEnvironmental direction systems ( EMSs ) provide a model that can assist organisations incorporate tools such as cleaner production. EMSs involve the accomplishment of environmental ends through the direction of environmental facets in a consistent manner. Environmental ends, policies, mensurable aims are set by the administration and achieved through the control of operations. Waste minimisation can be an Environmental Policy and nonsubjective set is less than 2 % of Solid Waste Generation or Zero Waste2.9.6 EIA Guide Line For Proposed Coastal Hotel Projects, July 2004In 2008, some 44 EIA licenses were granted of which 12 ( 27 % ) were issued to set down allotment and 8 ( 18 % ) were provided to coastal hotels and related plants There is an addition of hotel in our coastal part and an EIA is requires under subdivision 15 of the EPA 2002 for the coastal hotels.Under subdivision 3.7 of the EIA guideline, July 2004, for each impact the subdivision should province stairss to avoid or cut down it, for illustration, is as follows: Beginning, Type, Generation, ,Collection and disposal of solid wastes One EIA study for Proposal for the Construction of new Hotel at Tamarin Medine Ltd had been verified and found that that the undermentioned statement has been made Waste generated from the kitchen and accoutrement services if non decently managed may do direct impact on the environing.Indirect impacts may be caused by proliferation of rats, insects and emanation of bad odor ( EIA Report,2009 -Ministry of Environment and N.D.U. )2.9.7 Impact Mitigation MeasuresHotels will be committed to suitably pull off its solid wastes. Equally much as possible, solid waste wastes will be sorted for its different constituents. Biodegradable waste will be composted.Other waste will be kept in certain bins located in the dorsum house prior being carted off by accredited companies.Measures for waste direction to be implemented are as follows: Kind out wastes at beginning ( glass, paper, biodegradable substances, metals, tins Compost garden green waste and kitchen waste Provide particular bin for disposal of batteries, cartridges, bulbs etc ( EIA study Tamarin Medine Ltd,2009 ) 2.9.8 Environment and Health Waste is unsightly and malodorous, fouling land, air and H2O, choke offing drainage systems, presenting serious public wellness hazards, and curtailing possible land usage The combustion of refuse releases smoke and risky substances. Leachate from the waste can pollute dirt, surface H2O and groundwater. Mosquitos that can transport dengue fever as last twelvemonth this disease recur. Mosquitoes breed in fresh H2O from accumulated rainfall in tins and bottles.Disease vectors such as mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and gnawers thrive on solid waste Workers frequently do non utilize safety equipment such as facemasks, ear stoppers, baseball mitts and proper footwear, and there is a demand for instruction about wellness and safety issues2.9.9. EconomicWaste recycling can cut down waste disposal costs for local governments by widening the life of landfills, cut downing the demand to put in conveyance vehicles and equipment, cut downing vehicle operation and care costs, and cut downing fuel ingestion for transporting waste Businesss are provided with inexpensive natural stuffs. In Mauritius some hotels are used recycle stuffs such as the home bases make of spectacless, chairs, kitchen waste usage for composting and used for gardening.Thus the usage of recycled stuffs reduces the demand to import natural stuffs, intending that less money is spent on foreign currency.RESEARCH METHODOLOY3.1 Research MethodsInformation was gathered utilizing a assortment of methods to derive a better apprehension of the state of affairs, issues, positions and precedences. The primary informations will be obtained by using the undermentioned methods viz. Interviews, Site Visit for Observations, Email of Survey Questionnaires to the selected Hotel The secondary informations will be obtained by reexamining the literature obtaining from the goggle bookman, University of Mauritius Library Search, Publications, ,Magazine Articles and Resent News.Some information will besides be obtained from the -Newspaper L'Express3.2 Document and Literature ReviewLiterature refering solid waste direction in hotel industry was reviewed. Documents were collected from assorted beginnings such as universities, industry associations, foreign bureaus, authorities establishments, AHRIM, Books, Magazine Articles, Publications, Present News, research bookman utilizing goggle and statistic office, Ministry of Environment and National Development Unit, Ministry Of Local Government, Solid Waste Unit3.3InterviewsInterviews will be conducted with the Small, Medium and Large Hotels, To larn about the Hotel Solid Waste Management ( HSWM ) plan, I will interview staff chiefly the Maintenance Manager, Quality Assurance Manager, Health and Safety O fficer, the Head of Restaurant, Chef Cook, Food and Beverage Manager, Executive Housekeeper from those selected hotel Consecutive conversations with the staffs will be helpful for deriving a better apprehension of the issues that emerged. An initial set of inquiries will be prepared as per our Survey Questionnaire Appendix I in progress and extra inquiries were asked as the interviews will be conducted. This site visit interview will be appropriate for our mini undertaking Harmonizing to Tourism Welfare Fund Authority and AHRIM the undermentioned hotels are classified asHotel SizeROOM RANGENO OF HOTELS FROM LISTSAMPLE SIZESmall1-506161Medium50 – 1003461Large& gt ; 1003861A pilot study questionnaire will be designed by me and one questionnaire will be sent to for illustration Oberoi Hotel or any hotel..A brief session will be done with the Management, the Quality Assurance Manager of the hotel.The questionnaire will be redesigned for easy application in hotel sector. Hotels will be selected harmonizing to their room scope as shown in table above.The hotel representative will be contacted for the research on solid waste direction at these hotel. A consent and understanding will be obtained for our handiness to those hotels. The study questionnaire will be posted by mail for their exact apprehension of the questionnaire and can look for information about solid waste generated by the hotel. An assignment will be fixed and during our study, we will carry on a site visit rating about the different waste coevals, the estimated measures of waste generated and waste minimisation by the different section and its hotel waste direction within the hotel. An audit programme will be prepared for scrutinizing about the solid waste coevals in those selected hotels for how solid waste is treated, disposed, who removed the waste, the consequence of these solid waste in the environment During our study with one hotel, we can be referred to other hotels and if new hotel it will added to our list of hotels to be surveyed.Because some hotels can reply the questionnaire really tardily or some will non reply at all. Obtaining entree to these hotels will be a really ambitious task.Normally it is non easy from acquiring entree in hotels.3.4ObservationField work refering to solid waste direction in hotel will be conducted harmonizing a Gantt Chart.. These field visits helped us to familiarise with solid waste direction patterns and challenges in the hotel industries. During our site visit a solid waste audit will be carried out utilizing the same questionnaire as per study.Observations and issues will be discussed informally with staff and consequences will be noted. The Waste Management Practices, Solid Waste Minimization, Reuse, and Recycling will be observed for the different size hotelDatas AnalysisAll information and information obtained will be statistically analyzed utilizing the SPSS package Both qualitative and quantitative informations will be used to depict and measure the hotel solid waste direction plan. Qualitative information analysis involved reexamining paperss and sorting informations into similar classs and subjects. Quantitative information will be tabulated and so interpreted.3.4. Challenges and RestrictionsMaking research involves undertaking a figure of challenges because world frequently differs from what is planned. In this subdivision, challenges and obstructions will meet during the research procedure will be identified.Lack of AccessibilityMany hotel can assist us to derive entree to other hotels which will ease our entree to the hotels.The job of deriving entree can be a serious job particularly for hotel.Even with the support of the hotels mentioned above, deriving entree to the hotels visit were will be really hard. 3.6 Appendix II for Calculation of Solid Waste Generated by Hotel4.0 Chapter 4 – Discussion4.1 ANALYSIS OF HOTEL INSDUSTRYYear Year 2006 Year 2007 Year 2008 Year 2009 2010 Jan to Feb No. Of Tourist Arrival 788276 906971 930456 871356 164223 The reaching of tourer from twelvemonth 2006 to twelvemonth 2003 shows an addition in the reaching of tourer and a little lessening in twelvemonth 2009 due to fiscal crisis.The prognosis of the reaching this twelvemonth,2010 has the inclination to increase to 915,000. Prognosis of tourer reachings are based on the followers: – yesteryear tendencies infinite being a major restraint on such a little island. It is clear that Mauritius will confront acute jobs of solid waste disposal in the following few old ages. At the terminal of December 2009, there were 102 registered hotels in operation, with a entire room capacity of 11,456 and 23,235 bed topographic points. The mean room tenancy rate for all hotels for 2009 was 61 % while bed tenancy rate averaged 54 % .Table 3 Show Hotels, Rooms and Bed topographic pointsDue to the widespread and rapid touristry growing, the negative environmental impacts of the touristry industry are rather apparent. Tourism greatly depends on environmental and cultural resources, which offers resource-based activities that invariably interact with the natural systems. One of the chief environmental impacts of the cordial reception industry is increased load to solid waste direction It is found from the literature reappraisal that if solid waste are non decently managed, there may be negative consequence on the environment and the community In Mauritius many hotels are non mensurate the qty of waste being produced. However if these hotels kept the waste informations it will be a great benefit for them to command the cost.Screening and Storage and Waste DisposalIn hotel really the waste is collected in different bins. Some hotels chiefly the big one will utilize separate bins for segregating waste at beginning.Different bins, Food bin, Glass Bin, Plastic Bin are placed at kitchen and restaurant country.The big hotel will emptied these bins as when required and on every dark before traveling place.Then the bins are clean and kept in a specific topographic point for drying.Large Hotel has fund to finance the waste programme and handiness of topographic point for storage. Most of the Small and Medium Hotels deficiency of infinite and the storage is non in appropriate conditions For Most of the hotel the transportation is subcontracted to cleaning service such as Securiclean, Maxiclean ltd or even to private lorry.Sometime due to hapless direction of solid waste, hapless storage, and abnormality of waste bearer to roll up waste, make rise to bad odor, gnawers and sometimes it is non esthetics. There are batch of little and Medium Hotel dispose in an inappropriate conditions. In 2008, the entire sum of solid waste landfilled at Mare Chicose increased to 400,813 metric tons from 394,118 metric tons in 2007, up by 1.7 % Domestic waste constituted 93 % of the entire solid waste landfilled in 2008. The tendency of the sum of solid wastes landfilled is as shown belowWaste Reduction ProgramsWaste decrease plan is forestalling waste at its beginning, at a peculiar hotel installation. See Figure I, II and III for Sorting and Storage Bins used by Large Hotel Waste coevals by hotels and most of the hotels does non follow the Waste Reduction Programme.The Number of Small and Medium Hotels is more than the big hotels and each of these hotels when add all the waste together does a negative consequence on solid waste in Mauritius. Tourist who stay at these hotels do so anticipating to be pampered and unworried. Therefore, waste decrease plans need to be concentrated in such a manner to extinguish the impairment of the service Therefore, waste minimisation is indispensable in the hotel industry with respects to blow decrease, reuse, recovery and disposalSeasonal Effect on Waste GenerationIt is apparent that the measures of solid waste coevals by hotels besides depend on the season. The season with high hotel tenancy rate called â€Å" high season † is from November to May. We expect that the coevals of waste will be increased in high season while the low season is from June to October as per Oberoi Hotel, Le Plantation, and Mourouk Ebony Hotel.REGULATION, EMS and Environmental PolicyVery few Hotels has an Environmental Policy.It is notices that merely the big hotels are certified ISO 14001 such as Sun Resorts and Labourdonais Hotel. The two hotels mentioned has its Environmental and Purchasing Policy for Waste Minimization, Reduction, Reused and Recovery. These hotels are Eco friendly.They buy largely Eco merchandises that will non harm the environment5.0 DecisionClearly, it takes clip and attempt to develop an effectual waste direction plan. However, it pays off with a better underside line, a greener image and an healthier environment for any types of hotel.The HSWM plan provides a theoretical account for larning about the conditions refering to solid waste direction in Mauritius. The complexness of issues associated with solid waste direction makes solid waste planning and direction a challenging undertaking. The end of this research is to aim the cordial reception industry to implement waste direction policies and patterns via waste decrease, reuse, recycling and composting to minimise the sum of waste come ining the waste watercourse. It is besides apparent that little and average hotels pay less attending for the execution of waste minimisation than larger hotels, because the costs outweigh the benefits. Since they are non bring forthing an copiousness of solid waste, these smaller hotels believe it is non economically executable to pattern these techniques at their installation. However everyone must do it a duty on their portion the articulation the race for environmental quality.6.0 RecommendationsFor any hotels whether little, medium or big hotel, the undermentioned actions need to be taken in order for the HSWM to be successfully implemented6.1 AT the Level of the HotelAction 1: Make a waste decrease squadThere should be a full committedness of the top direction on how to cut down, reuse or recycle the waste being generated.Management ‘s function is to supply way and support. When the direction squad to the full supports rubbish decrease, employees will experience motivated to take part. See composing a formal environmental policy that includes waste decrease.Action 2 Cost ManagementSet up an accounting system that reflects monthly refuse direction costs and nest eggs. Generate a monthly study that tracks disposal and recycling information. Establish a budget for the recycling plan. Allocate financess for buying recycling containers and equipment and for implementing instruction and publicity plans.Action 3: Behavior a Waste AssessmentBefore you design a successful decrease plan. Carry out a solid waste appraisal By analyzing the contents of your installation ‘s Dumpsters and entering how frequently they are emptied, you can find the types and sum of cast-off points and make up one's mind which can be recycledAction 4: Establish Waste Reduction GoalsAnalyze the Waste Stream Assessment signifier that you completed in the old measure, and expression for stuff that can be reduced, reused, or recycled. Then set ends for each attack. As a sensible outlook, you might take to cut down waste production by 10 per centum, reuse 10 per centum of the waste now being discarded, and recycle 50 per centum. Remember, up to two-thirds of a hotel ‘s waste is reclaimable!ACTION 5: BUY RECYCLE PRODUCTSTo to the full take part in the recycling procedure, hotels need to buy merchandises made from recycled stuffs every bit good as cod recyclables. Buying recycled merchandises helps develop the market for reclaimable stuffs and increases their value.ACTION 6 EDUCATE STAFF AND PROMOTE THE PROGRAMMEThroughout your recycling plan, you will acknowledge an ongoing demand to advance and promote full engagement by employees and invitees. Employees will necessitate continual developing on aggregation and storage of reclaimable stuffs. Guests will necessitate guidelines for dividing stuffs for recycling.ACTION 7: Form a Cluster for Small and Medium EntrepriseFor Small and Medium Hotels, they can organize a bunch and authorities can assist them in giving grant for implementing the solid waste minimisation and installations such as bins, and aggregation for transportation in order for successful of the waste direction.However many little and average hotels do non hold adequate infinites and therefore authorities shall necessitate to supply a topographic point where all little and average hotels can dispose his organic waste for composting.However they can farm out the composting procedure.Action 8: Donate/Recycle Old or Reclaimable MaterialsHotel care and upkeep requires that points like rug, phones, mattresses, etc. be upgraded and replaced sporadically. Oftentimes, reclaimable or reclaimable stuffs are frequently discarded in the procedure. It is suggested that the Hotel reach the undermentioned local resources before disposing of potentially reclaimable stuffs List of Recycling Companies available at the Ministry of Local Government, Solid Waste Unit6.2 NATIONAL Degree:6,2.1 Role of the GovernmentThe authorities should promote the development of better waste direction through waste decrease, reuse, recycling, invention or rethinking and should back up concerns and communities through pilot undertakings, support, preparation, proficient aid, information exchange, follow-up support and monitoring. The authorities should promote better waste direction patterns and assist create markets for waste stuffs through policy devising, economic inducements,6.2.1 RegulationsEnforcement of ordinances should be Ministry of Environment and non merely by Solid Waste Unit. Campaigns/promotions and by recognizing and giving awards to outdo patterns in waste direction, the authorities would assist increase the populace ‘s consciousness of enterprises such as the HSWM plan and promote others to follow si milar attacks. Educational activities such as the administration of conferences, seminars and workshops, publication of preparation manuals, and best patterns,6.2.3 FURTHER RESEARCHApart from solid waste direction, farther survey on WTE, Quality Of Composting, Energy ingestion and H2O ingestion by Hotel demand to be conducted for future research.